With most of my weddings I offer the option of an engagement or pre- wedding  photo shoot.

I remember the nerves of my wedding day and I how I felt awkward having to be romantic and smoochy in front of  a stranger, let alone them taking photographs of us doing it.  Imagine how much easier it would be having had a “practice run” before your big day.

Having an engagement shoot, I will be able to guide you in your posing and help you to feel more relaxed, giving you one less thing to worry about on your wedding day. It will help us get to know each other more help you know what to expect on your big day. Its all very informal – in fact it ends up being a good old chat and a bit of a giggle.

Locations are up to you. How about a favorite place of yours? Where you first met? Your first date? Where he proposed? (extra travel will be charged for the Empire State Building etc). It can even be at your wedding venue. I’m open for all sorts of suggestions….

Here is a recent evening shoot at Hall Place with Chris and Kirsty who are getting married this year.

One of Kirsty’s first comments to me was “We don’t really do displays of public affection”………fast forward half an hour……….